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[游记]捕捞之行galt ,加拿大为各种各样的淡水鱼

2008-06-10    articlerich.com

A Fishing Trip to Galt, Canada for A Wide Variety of Fresh Water Fish捕捞之行galt ,加拿大,为多种淡水鱼

By: Miodrag Trajkovic: miodrag特拉伊科维奇

Galt founded by the novelist John Galt, was a city along the Grand River and Speed River in Ontario. galt成立由小说家约翰galt ,是一个城市,沿大长江和速度河在安大略省。Canada.加拿大。In 1973, Galt, with the towns of Hespeler and Preston were combined to form the city of Cambridge in Ontario Canada.在1973年, galt ,与城镇hespeler和Preston相结合,形成市,剑桥在加拿大安大略省。Galt was also previously known as Shade Mills. galt也是以前称为遮荫米尔斯。Now, that takes the confusion out in case you are searching for information about Galt.现在,需要的混乱情况下,在您所搜索的资料,约galt 。Galt has had a long history since 1784, when it was one of the Indian Reserve lands along the Grand River granted to the Six Nation Indians by the British Crown. galt已久的历史,自1784年,当它是一个印度储备地政沿大长江批给六国的印度人,由英国官方的。

The Grand River in Ontario, is at least 250 kilometers long, from Alton, passing through Cambridge and then to Lake Erie and is known for the abundance of fresh water fish.宏伟河在安大略省,至少是250公里长,由Alton ,通过剑桥,然后以伊利湖和是众所周知的丰富的淡水鱼。The flow of the river varies according to the terrain in the areas it passes by but it slows down as it passes along Galt , Hespeler and Preston which makes that part of the river favorable for fishing.流动的河水根据不同的地形,在该地区的通行证,但放缓,因为它通过沿galt , hespeler和Preston ,使这部分河流有利的捕鱼。A lot of fresh water fish have been identified and documented for the reference of visitors who would like to have the Grand River experience.不少淡水鱼已确定并记录为参考的旅客谁想有大长江的经验。

The flow of Grand River across several towns and cities has also provided a convenient means of transportation and the towns that make up Cambridge now, Preston, Hespler and Galt were part of what was known as "The Freshwater Fishing Capital of the World" However, throughout the years, there was some decline in the fishing activities at Grand River and this concern is being attended to by the Grand River Fisheries Management Plan and by the Grand River Conservation Authority, aimed to maintain the rivers reputation as the place for a high quality fishing experience.流量大长江横跨数个城镇和城市还提供了一个方便的运输手段和城镇弥补剑桥现在,普雷斯顿, hespler和galt的一部分,什么被称为“淡水渔业资本的世界”然而,这些年来,是有一些跌幅,在捕鱼活动,在大长江和这方面的关注,正在出席会议,向由大长江渔业管理计划和由大长江养护管理局,目的是要保持河流的声誉作为的地方,高品质的捕鱼经验。




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