票价搜索 > 旅游景点 > 游记 > [游记]2009年1月18日新西兰南北岛准备篇——签证,机票,住宿,租车,活动,总预算 |
[游记]2009年1月18日新西兰南北岛准备篇——签证,机票,住宿,租车,活动,总预算 |
2008-12-28cncn.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
起了去新西兰的念头是在2008年的夏天,本来2008年的计划是去西藏的,没想到由于政局的问题只好暂时搁置,然后,汶川的地震,泰国的旅行限制,哎。。。好像亚太地区风景优美的地方都不能去了哎。。。于是把目标转向了大洋洲,本来挺想去澳洲的,可是LG去过了,兴趣不大,于是在网上到处乱翻,新西兰就在这个时候跳了出来,壮美的自然景观,相对较小的地域(2007年在新疆旅游的时候饱受地域太大的苦恼,从一个景点到另一个景点怎么也得五六个小时),哇!可以自驾哎!在这样的风景中驾车穿行该是怎样一种惬意哦…好!就他了。在MSN上问了同样喜欢到处游走的同学L夫妇,哈,一拍即合!他们也刚被电视里的新西兰介绍片吊到了胃口。于是2009年初的新西兰自驾游就这样拍板定了下来。 接下来说说准备工作吧,这可是历次旅游中准备时间最长的,前后差不多半年时间,虽然头三个月只是漫无目的的在网上翻看一些游记。其实自由行最有意思的应该就是准备功略了,对一个地方从完全陌生,然后从各种游记,攻略中渐渐的具体起来,到开始制定自己的行程,到最后真正的身临其境中,其实是很有成就感的。
签证篇: 强烈建议自己送签!尤其是夫妇出游的,一个家庭690人民币!要知道旅行社可是按人头算钱的,一个人1300-1600,资料还得你自己准备,简直是抢钱哦!!!(后话:签证出来后我跟L同学讨论了开代理签证公司的可能性…) 同时谨以此篇强烈感谢下L同学多次往返于外办,公证处,新西兰领馆咨询及办理各种手续!
1. 访问签证的申请表1份(LG为主申请人因为他护照上的出入境记录比我的多)和个人信息补充表(附名片4张,每人2张) 2. 有效护照2本,我的旧护照1本(2008年11月过期) 3. 护照照片4张(每人2张) 4. 结婚证及复印件 5. 户口本及复印件 6. 身份证及驾照复印件2套 7. 准假信正本2份 8. 机票确认单1份 9. 新西兰行程表1份 10. 驾照英文公证两份
1. LG 存折复印件1份,收入证明正本1份 2. 我, 存款证明正本1份(签完就还给我了,可以随时解冻资金的),工资单1份(公司的工资单真好,中英文对照的,夸奖一下!) 3. 机动车辆登记证书复印件1份 4. 行驶证复印件1份
Tips:(我们是在上海办的签证) 1. 亲属关系公证不需要,我们为此曾经困扰了很久,在拜读了多篇签证攻略后最终决定不办,结果证明前辈们的指引是正确及明智的。 2. 除了驾照的英文公证,其他证明包括户口本,结婚证都不需要公证,直接给他们原件就好,我们碰到的签证官都是中国人。 3. 旺季签证一定要早,以出签日期的三个月为入境有效期,入境后可以在新西兰境内停留一个月。我们的计划2009年1月18日出发,到11月初才交的签证申请,由于碰到了旺季,差不多10个工作日才出签,以致于在机票上吃了亏(详见机票篇)。
准假信样本: 准假信致领事馆签证官阁下: 兹有我公司_XXX_先生/女士,担任_XXXXXXXXXX_一职,欲利用假期于_2009_年_1_月前往_新西兰_国家旅游,为期_15_天。 此次所需费用将由其本人承担。我公司保证其将遵守贵国的法律法规、并按时回国,且回国后担任原职务。请贵领馆给予签证的方便。 This confirms that _XXX_,employee in our company with position _XXXXXXXXXX_, intend to spend her holiday on _New Zealand_ in _ January,2009_, totally _15_ days. She will stand all the cost for this journey. We guarantee that after journey, she will come back on schedule and resume her position in our company. Please pass the application freely. 直属经理签字(Approved by direct reporting Manager): 联系电话(Phone):
人事部经理签字 ( Approved by HR Manager): 联系电话(Phone): 公司名:XXXXXXXXXX 日期:XXXXXXXXXX
机票篇: 关于定机票,就一个字,“早” 一定一定一定要早,尤其是在旺季。 其实自从定下1月要去新西兰,一直在关注机票的问题,最理想的当然是新西兰航空的直飞啦,九月份开始差不多天天看,当时优惠机票的价格是到11月底出发的,九千多含税,1月份的价格含税差不多一万出头一点(现在想起来真应该早点出手啊),心态有点不平衡,问了几家旅行社,都说过年的折扣机票差不多要到11月初才出来。既然这样,等等吧。。。没想到啊没想到,到11月初,非但没有折扣机票的出现,反而来了一个“涨停板”,一周之内从原来的一万出头涨到了一万两千多。由于签证速度慢,我们错过了原来预定的新西兰航空的最后出票日,于是只好在签证出来之后再到处找机票,最后通过一家代理定了国泰的,行程及价格如下:
航班 日期 行程 起飞时间到达时间
价格是:9100+TAX(2145) 以上行程全程走香港转机国泰航空公司,改签可以免费改签,退票按照航空公司规定退票(注:申请费不予退还),税金是按照出票当时的税收为准,如出票,请在出票当日再核对税收 !
新西兰的国内段我们定了Air Qantas的Auckland-Christchurch往返,162nzd/人
Tips: 1. 一定要早!!!!!尤其在旺季并且碰到今年新西兰币大跌的年头(从去年的1:5.9到最近我预订活动的时候算下来差不多1:3.5), 哎。。。转念想想在新西兰的活动住宿租车吃饭都省了不少,算了。 2. 我们从上海出发,主要考虑的就新西兰航空和国泰航空,总体来说,国泰要比新西兰便宜1000-2000,但是新西兰航空的时间比较好,直飞省去转机的麻烦,而且都是跨夜的,省去了两晚住宿的费用,对行程的安排来说比较实惠。其他的航空公司从上海出发的还有新加坡航空(在新加坡转机),澳洲航空(在墨尔本转机),马来西亚航空(在吉隆坡转机),网上查到的价格都比新西兰和国泰的贵,所以都没有考虑。 3. 另一拨1月14号出发的同学定到港龙+国泰的差不多一万一张(含税),不过她们是冒着危险在签证未出的情况下先出机票的。
行程篇: 一开始是打算开车从北岛到南岛穿越然后飞回北岛的,后来研究了下还是打算把重点放在南岛,最终定下的行程和主要活动如下: 1/18 Shanghai-HK-Auckland 1/19 Arriving Activity: Devenport visiting, Skytower visiting, 1/20 Auckland-Waitomo-Taupo Activity: Black Abyss Tour in Waitomo 1/21 Taupo-Tangariro-Rotorua Activity: Tangariro tracking, Wai-O-Tapo Thermal Wonderland visiting 1/22 Rotorua-Auckland PM flight: Auckland-Christchurch 1/23 Christchurch-Greymouth Activity: Author’s pass, Pancake Rock visiting, 1/24 Greymouth-Fox Glacier Activity: Helihike 1/25 Fox Glacier-Wanaka Activity: Puzzling World 1/26 Wanaka-Mt.Cook-Lake Tekapo-Mt. Cook Activity: 1/27 Activity: 1/28 Queenstown stay Activity: Jet Boat, Bungy 1/29 Queenstown-Te anau Activity: Routeburn track one day walk 1/30 Te anau-Dunedin Activity: Milford Sound cruise 1/31 Dunedin-Oamaru Activity: Evening view of blue penguin return home 2/1 Oamaru-Christchurch Activity: 2/2 PM flight Christchurch-Auckland
2/3 Auckland-HK-Shanghai
一共租车北岛3天,南岛11天,租了Apex Car Rental的一辆福特福克斯两厢2.0,含GPS,含基本保险(1000以上保险公司赔,1000以下自己负责),64NZD/天。 注:Apex公司有个活动如果租车穿越北岛-南岛,送轮渡票,好象值65NZD/人
住宿篇: 这次出行酒店不在考虑了,以YHA为主,也挑了几晚体验下自助式公寓,汽车旅馆,农场寄宿,具体如下(价格为新币):
注:以上YHA价格都为非会员价格,我们出行前在上海办理了YHA卡(50人民币一张),跟YHA确认过,入住的时候出示可以退6NZD/房(两人) Twin为双床房,Double为大床房,Ensuite是有洗手间的。没有Ensuite的话就是公用洗澡和厕所。不是所有的YHA都有带Enuite的房型,而且要定带Ensuite的房间也一定要早,早两个月都不算早的,我就是早两个月订的,有的也已经被订掉了。还有YHA的住宿网上预订都是直接扣款的,网址https://www.yha.co.nz/,如果要做Reservation要一家一家打电话或发邮件定,每家YHA都有自己的网址。
附:YHA introduction,收集了我们要住的YHA的介绍,Queenstown和Oamaru的后来没有住,但收集了就贴上来吧,For以后去的XDJM们reference。(注:标的X stars是指qualmark的评级) * This is the ideal hostel to start or finish your Twin - NZ$76.00 / room
*YHA One of two YHA Auckland hostels, we are located within a 5 minute walk of the city centre and offer the height of backpacker luxury. The hostel is 5 star Qualmark rated, staffed 24 hours and offers excellent amenities. Small and large multishare rooms, twin, double and ensuite rooms are available. A large fully equipped kitchen, gear and luggage storage, TV room, relaxed communal areas, video library, stereo and great book exchange make this hostel a complete facility. For information and bookings of Twin/Double Ensuite - NZ$98.00 / room
*YHA Rotorua Qualmark: 5 stars
This purpose built Rotorua Backpackers accommodation, is located in the central city, right beside Kuirau Park, Rotorua’s free geothermal attraction, and only two minutes walk from shops, cafes, restaurants and beautiful Lake Rotorua. We invite you to stay with us at Treks Backpackers hostel, in our clean, modern and secure facility, which is also an active member of the Rotorua Sustainable Tourism Charter. We will help make your stay in Rotorua an awesome and memorable experience. Double ensuite 78.00/room
Taupo *YHA Taupo YHA Taupo is centrally located with just a 5 minute walk to the town centre and the lakefront. This secure hostel offers a warm and friendly atmosphere. Relax in the hot tub or on the large deck with mountain and lake views or get some mates together for a game of volleyball, table tennis, or pool. YHA Taupo also has a video library and WiFi for those days when you just want to take it easy. Twin Ensuite - NZ$85.00 / room
* Situated in the heart of the garden city – this modern and spacious hostel is the perfect base for your Twin Ensuite - NZ$92.00 / room *YHA Rolleston House is centrally located opposite the Arts Centre with its colourful weekend art and craft market and along the famous Double Ensuite - NZ$90.00 / room
Greaymouth *YHA Greymouth, Kainga-ra Qualmark: 4 stars Kainga-ra is nestled amongst the bush-clad hills of Greymouth. This 4 star hostel was the local Marist Brothers residence in the 1930s. The ex-Catholic building is full of character and ambiance. On the side of a steep hill and facing West overlooking the sea, the hostel boasts fantastic views. You can also catch a glimpse of Double/Twin - NZ$64.00 / room
Franz Josef Glacier *YHA Franz Josef Glacier Qualmark: 5 stars With the rain forest right outside the backdoor, this recently refurbished 5 star hostel offers comfortable and modern accommodation. YHA Franz Josef is the perfect hostel to take in the sights of the magnificent Fox and Franz Josef glaciers. Accommodation comprises shared, double, twin (some with ensuite bathrooms) and family rooms. Facilities include a spacious fully equipped kitchen, TV lounge with Sky TV and free videos, open plan lounge/dining room with open fire, bike storage, drying room, pool table and sauna. Double/Twin Ensuite - NZ$89.00 / room
Wanaka *YHA Wanaka Qualmark: 3 stars This small, cosy hostel set in sunny spacious grounds is just 5 minutes from the lake. The hostel comprises a variety of rooms from multishare to double/twin rooms and a picnic area which is a great spot to relax and take in views of the mountains. In winter, use the hostel as a great location to access the ski fields. After a day skiing the warm fire of the hostel welcomes you back. Hostel facilities include secure bike, luggage and ski storage and a drying room. We also offer a large range of videos for rainy days. Twin - NZ$65.00 / room
Mt Cook *YHA Mt Cook Qualmark: 5 stars After a busy day enjoying Mt Cook's majestic beauty, come and relax in our welcoming hostel. Homely, spacious rooms with wooden decor will ensure a good night's sleep. Double + Single - NZ$105.00 / room Triple - NZ$93.00 / room Queenstown *YHA Queenstown Lakefront Qualmark: 4 stars A comfortable fully equipped hostel sitting right on the shores of Twin/Single - NZ$72.00 / room
*YHA Queenstown Central Qualmark 4 stars This hostel couldn’t be more aptly named – nestled between the lakefront and Shotover St it’s right in the rapidly beating heart of this little resort town. All rooms include ensuites and TVs (with free movies) and some have their own private courtyard. The views from the comfortable upstairs lounge make for a most picturesque chill-out zone. The staff are super-friendly and clued up about getting you the best possible deals on activities in Queenstown, which they’re happy to book for free on your behalf. Please note the hostel only offers day-time luggage storage. Double + Single Ensuite Lakeview (TV, Kettle) - NZ$125.00 / room
*YHA An historic homestead; charming, spacious, comfortable and full of character. The roof-top garden offers city and sea-scapes, stargazing and sunrises. After an active day, relax by the fire, watch a video or read in the sun-room. Stafford Gables is a wonderful place to come home to after a day exploring Twin/Double - NZ$70.00 / room
Oamaru *YHA Oamaru, Red Kettle Qualmark: 3 stars This small, traditional and homely hostel is located close to the Bushy Beach Scenic Reserve and just minutes from the town centre. During Summer, stay a few days in this friendly and welcoming hostel and experience all that Oamaru has to offer. Relax and unwind in the garden or in front of the log fire in the evenings.
活动篇: 以下为主要想参加的活动及预算:
Tips: 1. 目前已经预定的有,Helihike,据说这个比较热门。Milfordsound Scenic Crusie, Real Journey的网上预订有15%折扣。黑深渊之旅,Legendary的网上预订有10%的折扣,其他的就打算到那里再订了。 2. 原来定了Routeburn的one day guided track,后来退掉了,打算自己走。Routeburn的和Milford Sound的track,如果是one day walk不用他们的Hut是不用预订的,Routeburn Shelter有个很大的停车场,可以直接开车到那里,考虑到导游的介绍我们也听不太懂,所以决定自己走。看了DOC网上的介绍,Milford Sound的track一天内走不到风景太好的地方,而Routeburn的一天内可以走到Routeburn Fall,景色还不错,所以选择Routeburn track,虽然难度要比Milford Sound的高,反正也是打算走到哪里算哪里,自由行嘛,关键是自由,哈哈! 3. 其实计划的这些没有打算所有的都参加,主要是考虑到有些活动可能由于天气原因会无法进行,比如Helihike,而我们的行程也没有办法等所以有一些backup还是必要的,预算是每人大约1000nzd的活动费,比如说如果Helihike飞上了,热汽球就打算放弃了,Jetboat也打算在Taupo或Queenstown当中挑一个。Quad Bike更是万一Helihike不了,在Franz Josef Glacier没有别的事情可做的话的backup方案,反正多做些准备总没有坏处啊。
总预算: 到了最激动人心的时刻了,现在万事具备就等出行了,有空在网站上潜潜水,收集些相关信息,总结下预算(按每人算) 机票:11845CNY 国泰,上海-香港-奥克兰 往返: 11245 Air Quantas: 奥克兰-基督城 往返:162NZD=600CNY
住宿:3326.9CNY(按照1:3.8算) 875.5NZD=3326.9CNY/人
租车:851.2CNY 64NZD*14/4=224NZD/人=851.2CNY/人
活动:3800CNY 1000NZD=3800CNY/人
吃饭及其他开销比如汽油等:1710CNY 30NZD/人/天*15=450NZD/人=1710CNY/人(基本打算去超市买了自己做)
再算上买点礼物啥的,基本每人预算在25000CNY以内。 (按照1:5.9的汇率算了下,预算变成了26298.05, 哈哈哈哈。。。。。夸奖下自己的英明决策选择今年去新西兰啊!省了5000/人啊!!真要到那里好好买点礼物犒赏下自己哦!) |
转自:http://www.cncn.com/article/104758/310阅读 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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