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[游记]中国人出国旅游应该受尊重 |
2009-01-13cncn.com |
06年去澳洲过圣诞,去了悉尼和黄金海岸,风景挺好可惜人不友好。在悉尼地摊类的地方逛街看到一条只有几小颗珍珠的项链问了一下价钱要两百多澳币,不禁说了句“wow,好贵!”谁知老板回敬了一句把我噎了半天:“对你们中国人来说当然贵!”后来在悉尼机场去黄金海岸,出票小姐那一脸mean相让我好生惭愧自己一下没听懂她那句“sharpness”,以致让她问我行李里面有没有scissors and nail... 09年打算再去墨尔本,没想到签证出了问题。我们出趟国旅游要小心翼翼的提供银行存款,要有房子车子,要有单位证明,由别人在我们自己的国家judge我们会不会赖在他们国家不走,一不小心被拒只能自认倒霉。 在欧洲待了几个月,去了一趟澳洲,两次巴厘岛之后,这次澳领馆认为我有滞留的倾向拒绝了我的旅游申请。我不愿意默默接受这些莫须有的不公正裁定,萌生了为什么中国人出国旅游要受这种待遇的问题,遂回敬了一封小小讽刺和挖苦的信给几个澳领馆,atten那个Judge中国人的签证官。在这里和大家分享一下,我就是觉得我们国家在渐渐强大,我们出去旅游理应受到应得的尊重,我们并不是要随便赖在国外不走,即便想移民,也会通过正常途径! Dear Mathew (Position Number 9045), I was so sad to receive your letter rejecting my request for an Australian Visa. I do not wish to reapply for a visa, but I want you to understand the background behind my application., I have just went through my divorce due to domestic violence which was the worse time in my life, so I decided to have a break and start my new job after I come back from travelling. Actually I have had interviews already and will start a new job after Chinese New Year. Looking at your Australian visa office building in my bedroom which just a hundred meters away. I can't ignore the truth that you refused my visa application just because I am unemployed which I don't think it's acceptable to me! Perhaps you or your government is so scared Chinese rush in your country take over your jobs, in this case, I strongly recommend your government find a way to increase the competitive of your citizens rather than run the risking the income of your travelling industry. Unfortunately your Australian dollar is dropping while the RMB is getting stronger, so Chinese visitors can spend more in Australian and help your economy, including raising more taxes which pays for your salary so you can enjoy our hospitality in Guangzhou. The China economic growth rate is so high at 8%, meanwhile Australia is enjoying only 2%. I have no idea how many opportunities that Chinese visitors can contribute to Australia’s economic have been rejected by those unspeakable reasons. While I understand that you are trying to just do your job, it is a shame that we welcome you to our country and you make judgment about my reason to visit your country without even talking to me. I wonder what’s the purpose or the sense of making difficulties to the person just want to travel. What upset me the most about your letter was your implication that I would not return to China! I love my country and as much as I am sure you love your county. We have achieved so much success as I am sure you can see out of your window…in fact our apartment overlooks the building where you have your embassy. I plan to contribute to the success of my country especially I have my family and friends here. I have been to Australia before, and, because of your welcoming advertisements to visit Australia (it has been turn out is not true) I decided to visit your country again since I have not been to Melbourne last time, but now, thanks to your rejection, I’m going to spend my RMB in Thailand, another beautiful country with beautiful beach in the world! Via this opportunity, I would like to make it clear to you: Chinese just want to travel and come back home! Everybody love to travel to the place which is full of nice and friendly people who smile! I might want to live in another country legally someday, and this may be Australia, but not ready yet! If you feel offended by what I am saying, I am sorry but you deserved it. |
转自:http://www.cncn.com/article/105877/162阅读 |
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